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Towel Meijia cotton happy bear children towel Gaoyang towel factory direct cute child towel
  • Product name:

    Towel Meijia cotton happy bear children towel Gaoyang towel factory direct cute child towel

  • 【type】The baby clean wipes
  • 【number】50003
  • 【Market value】¥19.50
  • 【Member price】¥18.00
  • Release date:2025-3-14 9:5:1
  • 【remarks】
    Superfine fiber silk is a non polluting high-tech new textile material, the ingredients are polyester and nylon composite organic generated an ultra fine fiber. Because it is a kind of strong water absorption, good air permeability, anti mildew and other significant functional materials
product details

Superfine fiber is a kind of high quality, high technology textile material, superfine fiber because of small diameter, so the bending stiffness is very small, soft fiber feel special, with strong cleaning function and waterproof and breathable effect. Superfine fiber has many fine in the micro pores between the fibers, the formation of capillary structure, if processed into towel fabric, it has high water absorption, washed hair with the towel can be quickly absorbed the moisture, make hair dry.
Superfine fiber silk is a non polluting high-tech new textile material, the ingredients are polyester and nylon composite organic generated an ultra fine fiber. Because it is a kind of strong water absorption, good air permeability, anti mildew (after the special craft processing can also bacteria antibacterial) and other significant functional materials, is currently on international widely used for clothing and textile weaving products on. China is in the process of home textile industry has invested heavily in research and development in this area to. American superfine fiber towels imported polyester nylon particles as raw materials to produce polyester nylon composite superfine fiber silk is the 8020 high quality polyester nylon composite wire standard, its fineness is only 0.2 denier and very ductile (only hair 1/200 ~ 300, 1 grams of American superfine fiber superfine fiber silk stretching 90000 meters without fracture).

Product keywords:Children towel
Online purchasing:Towel Meijia cotton happy bear children towel Gaoyang towel factory direct cute child towel
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